Rain Dance Floor

Rain dance is a fun activity where you get wet and dance with the loud music playing around. This is an amazing experience where you can enjoy it with family and friends. You can book a visit to this resorts through Spacehire They have hassle free functions and wide range of resorts to book from.

Activities include Rain Dance with DJ, Beach volleyball, Tug of war, Bow & Arrow, Kite flying, Caterpillar, Bull ride, Hoe ride, Trampoline. 

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that rain dances can bring showers during the wet season and fail during the dry season. You see (SPOILER ALERT) making it rain is not the primary purpose of a rain dance. 

Rain dancing is when people dance around in hopes and “prayer” that it will rain to make the crops and life in general thrive. Esp in hot weather like summer when there are terrible droughts.