Always walk left hand side of traffic movement to avoid Head on collisions and preferly use footpaths if provided.

 When ever u cross the road, always use zebra crossing marked on the junction or if zebra crossing is not provided pedestrians can use foot over bridge and underpass for pedestrian mobility.

Road authorities always give first priority to safety of pedestrians because 50% fatalities in road accidents are pedestrians and cyclists only.

Always move in mobility pattern design by road authorities, otherwise your life may be in trouble. 

When you are walking on a Foot Path i.e., if it’s anelevated one exclusively meant for pedestrians or at a place where there’s no conflict between pedestrians and vehicular traffic, it doesn’t practically matter on which side you walk, only thing that matters is to make sure you don’t literally bang onto something or someone.

Walk between children and the traffic and hold their hands firmly. Children should be on the off-side and not on road-side.

As there are hardly any footpaths in India,you are forced to walk on the road and share space with speeding automobiles. In such a deadly scenario the best side to be on would be the right side of the road,where you would be facing oncoming traffic and be able to see what’s coming at you and also be in a position to avert an ugly situation. This wouldn’t be possible if you were walking on the left side as the traffic would be moving in behind you, leaving you in the constant fear of being rear ended and also having to glance over your shoulders every now and then ,which would make the walk more of an ordeal.